How to Apply
Call to schedule a free intake interview. 616-464-3330
What to expect during the Intake Interview:
Students spend a partial day exploring classes
Admissions Committee reviews paperwork and receives feedback from teaching staff regarding the program visit.
- Parent collects the following paperwork for Intake Interview
- Neuro-Psych Evaluation completed within the last 3 years
- Individual Education Plan or 504 Plan
- Documentation with diagnosis of a learning difference
- Recent report card or progress report
What to expect during the Intake Interview:
- Parents meet with the director
- Discuss child in detail including what he/she likes outside of the educational setting
- Discuss our program and given a tour
- Schedule a student program visit
Students spend a partial day exploring classes
- Student has an informal interview with director to discuss the program visit
Admissions Committee reviews paperwork and receives feedback from teaching staff regarding the program visit.
- Director will contact you with feedback with eligibility for the program
- Complete application and send in $25 fee with all required documentation
- If needed, complete and turn in tuition assistance application with all required documentation
- Tuition assistance committee reviews application to determine eligibility
- Once accepted by committee, notice of acceptance is sent out with start date, and tuition agreement sent
- Registration Fee of $250 is required before start date to hold a seat