Volunteer Opportunities
If you are a parent, guardian, college student, or community member and would like to volunteer at our school, please contact us directly during regular hours. Before volunteering, individuals must:
How you can help These suggestions are only the beginning! We welcome other ways that volunteers can help!
What to Expect Volunteers are responsible for maintaining a professional attitude of mutual respect and confidence. Volunteers in school buildings should:
Sign in Volunteers should sign in when they enter the building, and sign out when they are leaving. Talk with administrative assistant to record your presence. Identification For safety and security, all volunteers must wear a school name tag at all times. Confidentiality Volunteers must protect teachers' and students' right to privacy. They may not disclose school information or personal matters, whether shared with them directly or overheard. They should discuss student problems or concerns with only the staff member with whom they are working or the director. |