Our School

Lake Michigan Academy is a non-public school for elementary through high school students with learning disabilities and/or ADHD. Certified teachers provide differentiated instruction in small classes through evidence-based instructional strategies with an emphasis on literacy skills in all classes.

Our programs and curriculum goals are designed to provide opportunities for all students to fully develop their strengths while accessing accommodations to support their challenge areas as needed. LMA students develop an understanding of what tools and strategies are most effective for them and learn to become their own best advocate as they are taught how to be active participants in their own educational planning.

Full Time Program
Elementary, Middle School, High School

​In addition to core instruction, students in our Full Time Program receive support as needed through small-group classes in reading, writing and/or math skills. These small groups, or Labs, allow teachers and students to focus on skill areas at an individual level. Teachers incorporate specialized methods to provide instruction to fill in skill gaps and support each student’s unique learning challenges.

​Students in the Full Time Program have additional classes designed to support their physical and social-emotional development. For Elementary students, these classes include Physical Education, Art, Music, STEAM and People Skills. For Middle School students, these classes include similar classes in addition to weekly Community Service and Enrichment. For High School students, these classes include daily electives which may have an emphasis on service, employability skills, communication skills, strategies for learning or organization, or technology.

Part Time Program
High School

High School students in our Part Time Program take their core courses at Lake Michigan Academy and complete additional elective credits at another high school, at an ISD Campus through Career-Tech Ed (CTE) programs such as those at Kent Career Technical Center (KCTC)Launch U, or Kent Transition Center (KTC), at a Community College through Dual Enrollment, or at a work site through Work Study or Internship.